📚 NEW: Short Course
Ensuring measurement traceability in ISO/IEC 17 025 laboratories
This Short Course is a new presentation format. It will take place for the very first time on Thursday March 13th from 1.30 to 3 pm.
Ensuring the traceability in measurements is one of the benefits that every user can receive when involving an accredited structure in his process of measurement or testing. Indeed, ISO/IEC 17025 and all other related standards require to carefully guarantee that any critical operation involving measurement fulfills the requirements establishing unambiguously the traceability to the International system of units SI, if possible, or to internationally consensual references outside this scope. One has to deal with technical and documentary aspects. Many tools may be used, for instance interlaboratory comparisons, etc.
The aim of this short course is to recall these standardized requirements, to explicit their origin and to emphasize the different routes to fulfill them on selected illustrative examples. Accreditation bodies, after discussions at the supranational level (i.e. at the International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation or regional level), have published policy or guidance documents to help the candidates to accreditation on this particular subject, for calibration and testing but also for any kind of measurement purpose.
After a presentation of the principles, concepts and requirements of the standards, and of some of the illustrative examples of these policies or guides, a large part of the course will be devoted to the instances proposed by the participants, the solution adopted or to be adopted, and to the relevant discussion, if needed.

Laurent Vinson - COFRAC / FRANCE
Electromechanical engineer, Laurent Vinson joined Cofrac, the French National Accreditation Body, in 1996 as Accreditation Manager for Inspection activities. Graduated from Paris Panthéon-Sorbonne University with a Master of Business Administration, he was nominated as Head of Cofrac Inspection Section in 2003. He took part in the EA (European cooperation for Accreditation) Inspection Committee and ILAC (International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation) inspection activities; he was also involved as a Team Member in EA and ILAC peer-assessments.
After being nominated Director of Cofrac Laboratories Section in April 2008 in charge of accreditation of Calibration and Testing Laboratories, Reference Material Producers and Proficiency Testing Providers, he became member of the EA Laboratory Committee and ILAC Accreditation Issues Committee (AIC).
From 2010 to 2015, he took the responsibility of ILAC liaison officer with the International organization of Legal Metrology (OIML).
He chaired the EA Laboratory Committee from January 2016 to December 2022.

Marc E. Himbert - LE CNAM / FRANCE
National academy of technology of France (NATF). He has served as the scientific director of one of the French national metrology laboratory (NML) and is involved in several national or international committees dealing with units and traceability (AS, CCU, IUPAP, …). He has chaired for 20 years the “Laboratories section” of the French accreditation body (Cofrac).